How to apply
As part of IFES Europe, we want to see a vibrant student ministry in every nation, making disciples who express their faith in every aspect of life.
We’re not looking for people to fill existing gaps with their specific gifts. Whatever your experience and ability there’s a place that fits for you.
However, you need to be:
- A committed Christian student or graduate – possibly a sandwich course or language year student.
- Committed to student ministry.
- Having been fully involved with your Christian Student group at university.
- Prepared to commit one to two years to the role.
- Ready to learning the host language.
- Willing to take a step of faith into a new culture.
- Prepared to work with us in raising financial and prayer support.
Are you interested?
Take a look at our country profiles, or read on to find out more about the application process.
Frequently asked questions
How long?
InterAction is a one-year program, with an option for a second year. It typically runs from the end of August to July of the following year, although there are variations on this depending on personal circumstance and location. Many InterAction volunteers remain through the summer months to take part in language courses/summer outreach/youth camps etc. The exact ending of your placement should be discussed with your Supervisor before any flights are booked or plans made.
How much?
InterAction workers are self-supporting financially, and we find there is quite a wide variety of ways in which members gain support. Some obtain grants from their government or receive financial support from their churches and friends in order to work abroad. Only occasionally it is possible to have some small income (or possibly free accommodation) by teaching English or another language, or taking some form of employment. This is at the discretion of the Team Leader/ Supervisor.
We will provide you with an appropriate budget for your placement country on application and your Team Leader or Supervisor will work with you to raise your support.
This budget will include the costs of our KickOff Conference in August and Debriefing Conference in June, as well as living costs.
What about language?
Any cross-cultural living will involve language learning and many of our placements will include the opportunity to attend language school (unless you are already proficient).
However, many InterAction teams are working with international students where English is the main language, so there is plenty to get involved in from day one!
- From the UK? There are a couple of good options, depending on what your longer-term view is. It’s worth considering a year with UCCF’s Relay Program as a training investment for the InterAction Program https://www.uccf.org.uk/relay/ Or apply directly to InterAction. Contact us to chat through the options!
- From the USA? Get in touch with Intervarsity Link to find out more about serving IFES Europe https://link.intervarsity.org/.
- From Australia? We partner with CMS Australia to send InterAction workers to Europe https://www.cms.org.au/.
I feel that InterAction is an amazing investment for the rest of life, whether you’ll continue in ministry or move to secular work.